Mijn lijst met blogs


zaterdag 28 mei 2011

I’m seriously behind…

… on pretty much everything. From housekeeping to arts & crafts to replying on all kinds of msg’s… I don’t know how this keeps happening (well, I do, but I don’t wanna blame myself Knipogende emoticon)
Oh well, I just have to get back on the horses back, as it were. I allready deleted all the deviations in my inbox on deviantART, so that the pile of msg’s is just a tad less high Knipogende emoticon
Larger chores I still need to do today and/or are done ) although a couple of things will be transferred to tomorrow, I think ) as it´s allready 5,30 pm:
  • Guinea pig and rabbit cage
  • Loads of dishes and stuff (well, I consider it to be alot atleast) 
  • Fold laundry and put it where it belongs
  • Reply to emails concerning volunteer work
  • Plan my chores at school (also volunteer work) for next week
  • Do laundry and put in dryer
  • Try my hand at making flocking foil prints
  • Start decopatching/paperpatching an old teabag-box-thing, to put my decopatch scraps in, that’s the plan anyway Knipogende emoticon


That´s probably not even all, but hey, it´s a start Glimlach
Well, I guess it’s dinner time, so I should start dinner Bord (lucky me, easy dinner for us today, home made chicken curry stuff (from the freezer) with rice Glimlach) And kay desperately wants to watch Alice in Wonderland (the one with Johnny Depp, she loves that one Emoticon met brede lach) So I better go and put that on.

Test update…

… through Windows live writer.

(I have no idea what I’m doing though Knipogende emoticon)


donderdag 3 juni 2010

Weird comp

My comp is acting up in the most annoying of ways! For some reason I can't uninstall or install anything anymore. In the next 2 weeks I'm gonna put all the important stuff on my external HD and when my ex stays over again, in a couple of weeks, he'll make a full windows re install (I haven't the patience for it ;) I just get annoyed :p)

The past few days have been a little crappy anyway, Kay was a bit under the weather (I had to go pick her up from school midday monday) So that means the things I wanted to get done in the past few days, well, let's just say very little came of that ;) Today she went to school again, so we're gonna see how it goes today. I do have some grocery shopping to do today atleast, cause ofcourse we haven't left the house in days, and for some reason bottles of milk do not present themselves at our doorstep ;) Nor do any of the other groceries ;)
Mn comp is irritant aan het doen! Om een of andere reden kan ik niks meer de-installeren of installeren. In de aankomende 2 weken ga ik alles maar eens op mn externe HD zetten, en wanneer ex dan hier logeert, over een paar weken, dan gaat ie mn windows opnieuw installeren (ik heb er het geduld niet voor ;) Ik raak alleen geirriteerd :p)

De afgelopen paar dagen zijn zowiezo vervelend geweest, Kay was niet helemaal lekker (ik heb dr maandag tussendemiddag op moeten halen van school) Dus dat betekent dat de dingen die ik in de afgelopen paar dagen had willen doen, naja, laten we zeggen dat daar weinig  van gekomen is ;)) Vandaag is ze weer naar school gegaan, dus eens kijken hoe het vandaag gaat :) Ik moet vandaag zeker wel wat boodschapjes doen, want we zijn natuurlijk een paar dagen de deur niet uitgeweest, en om een of andere reden komen de flessen melk niet uit zichzelf naar ons toe ;) En de rest van de boodschappen ook niet ;)